Consent / Media Form


  1. I agree the said TATTOO is correctly designed to my specifications.

  2. I understand that the said TATTOO is PERMANENT.

  3. This is to certify that I am at LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE.

  4. I am not under the influence of ALCOHOL OR DRUGS and am voluntarily submitting to be TATTOOED or PIERCED by Made Rich Inc. without duress or coercion.

  5. I understand there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

  6. I understand there is a possibility of an infection.

  7. I agree to follow all instructions concerning the care of my TATTOO, and that any corrections needed due to my own negligence will be done at my own expense.

  8. Variations in color and design may exist between the TATTOO art I have selected and the actual TATTOO when it is applied to my body. I also understand that over time, colors and the clarity of the TATTOO will fade due to unprotected exposure to the sun and the naturally occurring dispersion of pigment under the skin.

  9. I understand that there is a chance I might feel lightheaded, dizzy during or after being TATTOOED.

  10. I agree to immediately notify the artist in the event I feel lightheaded, dizzy and/or faint before, during or after the procedure. Failure to do so releases Made Rich Inc. of all responsibility.

  11. I hereby release Made Rich Inc. of all responsibility and from all liability whatsoever for personal injury or infection due to neglect or otherwise for the said TATTOO or PIERCING.

  12. I release all rights to any photographs taken of me and/or the TATTOO and it’s design, and give consent in advance to their reproduction

  13. I, (hereinafter referred to as "Releasor"), grants permission to Made Rich Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Releasee"), to use my media (photograph image and/or video footage and/or audio recordings). I likewise understand that I may be identifiable from the reproduction of the media by the Releasee indicated herein this agreement. I hereby waive my rights to inspect or approve the media for production that may be used by the Releasee for purposes stated herein, from hereon forward. I likewise waive any right to royalties or any compensation arising from or related to the use of the image.

By completing this release form, I agree to all clauses above.

Made Rich Inc. 255 Mckibbin St Brooklyn NY 11206