
Art Basel : Black Tattoo Experience

art basel black tattoo experience tattoos ink master black ink made rich richard parker art made rich

So these past months I’ve been involved with a community on clubhouse that has engulfed the ideals of what is it like being not only a black artist, but more specifically a black tattoo artist. Being in this industry for as long as I have, I’ve been able to maneuver through confidently and find a common ground with my peers. Through our craft, but like most occupations and industries, we tend to find these cultural barriers that often prevent us from being completely.. us. The ‘Black Tattoo Experience’ has provided a platform that artists of color can freely come to and share, ask, learn, and build as a community. Not to say that just because you’re black you can’t build with other races. Sometimes, a lot of times, we have gone through so much that between us wanting to share, ask, learn, and build, theres a cultural wall that we may not have the pride to simply walk around. Honestly, thats ok. It’s ok for us to build how we want, where we want and with who we want. Thats fine. Im happy to see that there is now a platform for the artists that have had the door closed because of these walls, to now confidently be able to be.. here.

Im honored to say that I will be taking part as a presenter in the Black Tattoo Experiences’, Tattoo Conference & Art Expo : Art Basel Experience Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 in Miami. If you’re a Black tattoo artist, a tattoo artist of color, a tattoo artist thats heard more No’s than Yes’ please take the opportunity to come out and build and learn from some free thinkers.